A Tribute to my Bride

What can I say? I owe you! Erin, I love you!

Being your husband means so much to me. I can’t do what I do without you!

I go to work, and I don’t worry about my kids. I don’t worry about my house being clean. I don’t worry about my meals being cooked. I don’t worry about the groceries. I don’t worry about our finances, or you running around on me, or leaving me. I focus on work, and can be successful. (Prov 12:4, Prov 31:11-12)

I stay up late reading the bible and writing. I go out late to evangelize. I coach three kids sports…year round. You clean all our clothes, you have them ready and laid out and ironed for us. Snacks packed, bookbags ready for school, lunch packed for work, shirt and tie picked out. You are my treasure, you are my sanctuary in this world that Christ gave me to love and honor and serve. I do not do those things enough for His sake, nor for all you do for me.

You sacrifice what most other women do not. You do not get to go on as many dates or wear as nice stuff. You choose a humble life and attire because of my goals for ministry. You do not get to spend as much time with me since I go out to witness and preach, and you stay home, taking care of my children. You’ve shared your child with me, and I am eternally grateful. I love you so much.

You are a prize, a crown. Your reward in Heaven will be greater than most, because you are putting up with more than many will have to in this world. You did not get a good man, you got a work-in-progress, and I thank you for the patience you’ve shown. I am so grateful for your love, and I love you now and forever. I would marry you again today in a heartbeat, and I’d take every minute we’ve been together and redo them all over again, for better or for worse.

God bless you, Erin. My bride, to whom I still owe a decent honeymoon, I won’t forget, sweetie.



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