If you have arrived here from thebabylonbee.com, thank you!

I am a born again believer in Jesus Christ, saved from my sin by Grace Alone, through Faith Alone, in Christ Alone.

I am a husband to a beautiful woman of God, Erin. I have 8 children God has blessed me with. 3 are already in Heaven, the other 5 – you’ll find ’em somewhere!

Please forgive me as I attempt to represent my Savior and my God. Allow His amazing power to shine through as He chooses to use broken, worthless vessels like me to do His will in this world.

I trust you will be refreshed if you are a Christian, offended if you are a false convert, and either intrigued or totally turned off if you are neither.

I welcome dialogue, and I hope that God has brought you here to read the posts and examine whether you are, in fact, of the faith (2 COR 13:5), and whether God is calling you unto Him by His irresistible Grace at this very moment.