Today, I received the following email. I offer the original content and my response (minus the person’s name).
What do you think? Would you have handled it differently?
I got your email about evangelizing at the Arnold Classic. I’m just curious. Do you distinguish between Calvinistic doctrine and Arminian doctrine, or do you just preach Jesus?
Thanks, Person’s Name
Hi Person’s Name. Thanks for dropping me a line. Did I email you or did you receive my email from another person? Just wondering because your name is unfamiliar to me.
Either way, I have to admit I feel as if your question created a false dilemma whereby I either had to say I distinguish between Cavinistic/Arminian doctrine OR preach Jesus. Maybe you believe these things are exclusive. I am not sure that I can separate my theology from my preaching about Jesus.
Nevertheless, regardless of where you stand on that divide, I would encourage you to evaluate my preaching and my writing based on its content: whether it is biblical or not, rather than based on a label which could be a broader brush than I’d wish to paint about myself.
For example, did you read the tract I wrote to distribute at this event? You can read it at this link. I’m not sure if it is too Calvinistic or too Arminian for your tastes. Let me know, I’m honestly interested. Click Here.
Secondly, I offer you three examples of my preaching for you to judge for yourself if you think I preach in a way that you’d like to be around.
I am really glad that you are interested in participating and making sure that the people you would encounter are biblical. In fact, if you want to come, I’ll have a few questions for you as well.
Hope to meet you sometime. Lord bless you.
BTW – If you couldn’t tell and didn’t delve deep enough into my website or sermons to determine where I stand – I am essentially a 5 point Calvinist. I am a CredoBaptist and a cessationist. I’m premillennial, and I believe in a pretribulational rapture. I’ve also preached with and ministered with dozens of men and women who would not agree with me on all these issues, and will likely do so again.
Love for the brethren is a distinguishing characteristic of a Christian. I’d prefer to exhibit that and share the gospel with the lost rather than miss out on a chance to preach Christ because I’m concerned about a secondary issue argument. I haven’t always done that perfectly, but I’m improving.
Michael Coughlin
GREAT response, and very well worded. Give us an update on any reply from the sender.