Psalm 147:5

Psalm 147:5 Great is our Lord and of great power; his understanding is infinite.

This verse can be rightfully divided into two distinct thoughts. The first thought concerns the greatness of our Lord and His awesome power. The use of the word “Lord” implies that He is our master; but who doesn’t love to serve a “Good” master? The idea of lordship has such a bad connotation in our culture because so many sinful men have abused power, “lording” it over others. But our Lord is great! And He is worthy of adoration and our submission. His power, or strength, is also abundant, mighty and great! The idea of power is that He has the ability to effect His will. He is not a wishful God, hoping people will come through for Him or waiting on the strength of men. Nor is He unable to thwart Satan’s plans, or any man’s plans that are contrary to His own. His power is overflowing; possibly only overshadowed by His own amazing restraint of that power, according to His will.

His understanding is infinite! What does that mean? It’s incomprehensible…simply because our understanding is FINITE. But imagine how quickly we follow the advice of an expert doctor or coach in this life. How quickly we seek teachers to share their finite understanding with us for life’s problems. How much more then, ought we trust in the commands of the Lord. His understanding is infinite, and is not bound by time. Since you know He sees the end already…He knows what is BEST for you always; allow yourself to trust Him today, and lean on Him and not your own understanding. (Proverbs 3:5-6 Trust in the LORD with all your heart And do not lean on your own understanding.)


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