Author: Michael Coughlin

Are Amish Christian?

A few weeks ago, I had the opportunity to attend a gathering in Columbus where I was able to view some plans for the new ark being built in Kentucky. Answers In Genesis, the good folks who brought us the Creation Museum put on the presentation. It was inspiring in several ways. I was able to gain a deeper understanding of why they believe this ark will be ‘successful,’ and I got to meet the makers of the VBS my church uses every year from Answers In Genesis.

One part of the presentation concerned me. The speaker told us that the ark will be built by Amish. At least in Ohio, Amish are known for their work ethic and craftsmanship; but what concerned me was when they (the Amish) were categorically described as “faithful.” Faithful to what I wondered? My understanding from a former Amish man who became born-again and had to leave the Amish community is that Amish do not believe in justification by grace through faith alone. I approached the speaker and asked the questions. He assured me these Amish people were saved, and that the Amish were like any protestant denomination. It ended friendly, which was good, but I left feeling like there was more to say. Here is the letter I wrote him today via email:

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Iran is making a HUGE mistake with Youcef Nadarkhani!

There is a man in the USA being held in prison for his beliefs! Why isn’t Voice of the Martyrs or ACLJ in an outrage over this story? Here is a man sitting in prison for exercising his deeply held religious convictions, a religion which includes the name “Jesus Christ!” Why isn’t there an international outrage?

Read this article to find out more about Youcef, the imprisoned Iranian and to learn about the persecution going on in the USA!

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Avoid ORA-00054: resource busy and acquire with NOWAIT specified on Truncate

If you are an Oracle programmer, then you’ve probably encountered the ORA-00054: resource busy and acquire with NOWAIT specified exception when attempting to truncate a table. When this happens during the day, you can usually just wait a few minutes (or go and commit your other open sessions…), but what about when you are truncating tables as part of a script which runs overnight? Are you tired of being woken up so you can simply rerun the script?

Well check out this script, then! It is a very simple PL/SQL procedure which accepts 1 or 2 arguments.

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