Tag: Holy

On Boycotts and Starbucks

Nathan Busenitz offered a take on the “Starbucks” controversy over at the Cripplegate. He compared a Starbucks boycott due to the executive public proclamation that Starbucks generally supported gay marriage to the...

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Luke 23:34 – Forgiveness

What is forgiveness? When Jesus utters this phrase, what is he saying? In other words, what exactly is Jesus asking his father to do? And how does that apply to us? Some would say that because Jesus prayed for those who persecuted him to be forgiven, we should all forgive all offenses against us. Others have said that since God doesn’t forgive everyone, that means we don’t have to either. I’ll try to lead you to an answer to these questions as we develop thoughts surrounding forgiveness.

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Leviticus 19:2 – Be Holy

Leviticus is not an easy book for many to read. It seems to confuse a lot of people. I recommend taking it slowly and understanding the context. Always keep in mind that the Old Testament is pointing forward to the cross and your understanding should increase.

I find it to be an amazing account that God commands all men to be holy. Sure, this was written to the children of Israel, but I’ve been told by people who’ve taught me that when God repeats himself we should listen. Peter provides for us an example of this in his first letter.

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