Author: Michael Coughlin

Love for my local church

Many people do not understand God’s institution of a local church. I’m not sure I do either. It’s one of those things that when I hear something that’s right, I can “Amen” it, or easily assent to it in my mind, but if I had to explain it or teach it I’d feel ill-prepared. That’s one of the reasons I’m very excited that the next Sunday school series we’re having at my church, Berean Baptist Church, is about the local church.

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What is the gospel?

But what is the gospel, truly? If it is to be translated as “good news,” isn’t there to be some relation to a provision for the man hearing it for it to be good news? I mean, to approach another and tell them you have good news, and then relate your car insurance savings…well, it’s clear that’s not necessarily good news to the hearer! Of course the good news must be good to the hearer as well, in some cases whether he knows/believes it or not.

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My first Blog Post!

Welcome to my blog.  I’m super new at this and hoping to make this worthwhile.  Please forgive me as the site is under construction!! I have some old stuff I’m going to be moving to here, as well as regularly adding...

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