Instead of a long report in paragraph form, I've decided to post "quick hit" updates from our Saturday, September 22 day of ministry/evangelism at THE Ohio State University football game vs Tulane. There is Joy in Serving Jesus I was joined by 5 wonderful ... Continue Reading
Rutgers@tOSU Ministry Report – Sept 8, 2018
Proverbs 28:1 "The wicked flee when no one pursues, but the righteous are bold as a lion." Contrasting Righteousness and Wickedness Once again at the "corner of righteousness" we encountered a group of pornographers who were passing out their own "tracts" for ... Continue Reading
OSU@tOSU Ministry Report – Sept 1, 2018
The launch of the college football season for 2018 has begun, and so our SFOI 1000 work has begun as well. Click that link to see the rest of the dates that we will be ministering at the Ohio State University. Here is an update from the first week of the ... Continue Reading
Movie Theater Witnessing
I planned to go out witnessing the first Saturday of 2012. My initial plan was to go to my normal fishing spot, downtown Columbus. There is plenty of foot traffic in the "bar district" to provide a lot of opportunity to distribute tracts and get into ... Continue Reading